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Program Details

Filmland 5 Workshop

Cinematography: The Five Ingredients of Powerful Imagery

Filmland Workshops
CALS Ron Robinson Theater
Friday, November 4, 2022
Workshop Starts: 2:15pm
Doors Open: 1:45pm
Tickets: $25

This Panavision presentation discusses the key considerations in creating powerful, professional imagery. With the many choices brought by new imaging technology, it’s crucial that not only cinematographers, but producers, directors and other industry professionals understand both the reasons for, and the impact of these choices throughout the production pipeline. This presentation is designed to illuminate these topics in a way that is engaging for camera professionals, but also accessible for a general industry audience.


Aaron Saffa, Manager of the New Filmmaker Program at Panavision

After Party

Buenos Aires Grill & Cafe

614 President Clinton Ave.

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