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Program Details

Filmland: Arkansas Showcase

Legacy: Black Excellence in Jonesboro

Filmland: Arkansas - August Block 1
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts - Performing Art Center
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Show Starts: 12pm
Doors Open: 11:30am
Tickets: $10*

Runtime: 27 minutes

Created by a group of students from Arkansas State University, "Legacy" is a short  documentary about the history of Black excellency in Jonesboro. It consists of interviews with Roger McKinny and LaGanzle Kale and other community members offering first hand accounts and historical research all dedicated to displaying the contributions and excellency of the local Black community, and their hopes and vision for the future.

*Tickets are for "Legacy: Black Excellence in Jonesboro" and "Racer's Nature: Trial by Fire"

A Q+A featuring filmmakers from "Legacy: Black Excellence in Jonesboro," "Racer's Nature: Trial by Fire," and "New West" will take place following "New West" at 2 p.m. The Q+A is free to the public.

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