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Program Details

Collab Film Series

Raya and the Last Dragon

Free Film Screening
MAD Amphitheater
Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Murphy Arts District has announced their 2021 MADMovie Monday lineup scheduled for June 7th – August 9th. The event series is sponsored by the Medical Center of South Arkansas and is free to the public. Movies will start at sundown at the MAD Amphitheater.  

A special presentation will be held the evening of Monday, June 14th as the Arkansas CinemaSociety (ACS) presents Raya and the Last Dragon, co-written by El Dorado native, Qui Nguyen. A Q+A session with Nguyen and El Dorado Film Festival Director Alexander Jeffrey will be aired prior to the movie that evening.

ACS Executive Director Kathryn Tucker is pleased to bring the film to El Dorado. “We are very excited to bring Raya and the Last Dragon to El Dorado and the Murphy Arts District,” said Tucker. “Highlighting Arkansas creatives is a big part of what we do. We are pleased to see an Arkansan like Qui Nguyen go on to do big things and work with Disney on such a fantastic film.”

About El Dorado, Ark. & Murphy Arts District

MAD, a production of El DoradoFestivals & Events, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to create and sustain an arts and entertainment destination that acts as a catalyst for cultural and educational change for the region. It relies on the generous support of individuals, corporations, and foundations to develop and sustain programs that improve the quality of life in the community and region.

Q&A Discussion

Co-writer Qui Nguyen and El Dorado Film Festival Director Alexander Jeffrey.

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