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Program Details

Collab Film Series


Czech That Film Festival
CALS Ron Robinson Theater
Friday, June 7, 2019
Show Time: 5:30 pm
Doors Open: 5:00 pm

Directed by Olmo Omerzu, 2018, 85 min.

A rebellious teenager and his dorky, BB-gun-toting sidekick run away through the Czech countryside in a stolen Audi. Along the way, they pick up a dog and a pretty female hitchhiker as they try to elude the police. An interrogation of tall tales of exploits is contrasted against awkwardness, innocence, and adulthood. This coming-of-age road movie tells a story of adolescent friendship and the irrepressible desire to experience something even if one doesn’t know exactly what that something is – a sense of unbridled freedom. The film received the Best Director award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

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year-round Programing

The Czech Honorary Consulate in Little Rock in collaboration with the Arkansas Cinema Society, the Arkansas Film Commission, the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, CALS Ron Robinson Theater, and The Pantry Restaurant.

Past Programs